Aisha Abu Bakr, an Abuja fashion brand has released its resort 2019 collection, ‘Northern Star."
The collection is said to be inspired by the brightest star in the constellation which is the northern star. In her view, she sees any woman wearing a piece of this collection; the brightest star in their constellation (environment.)
According to the release by the brand;
For this collection, the designer takes the brand on a journey of a culture merger between western and southeastern Nigeria. The technique of hand-dye and batik which originates from western Nigeria and the Nsibidi language symbols which are used in the hand-dye originally from southeastern Nigeria are both employed.
The print portrays Love and Unity as these are Nsibidi signs used. The designer’s creative license is visible in the collection as there is a balance between modern trends and cultural inspiration.
Every item of the collection will appeal to ladies across different age spectrums. From minis skirts to maxi dresses, be prepared to shine as bright as the Northern star.
See the full Lookbook below:
Brand: Aisha Abu bakr | @aishaabubakr_ng
Photography: @the.alfe
Hair Styling: @haircraft_
Makeup: @belapro31
Models: Rhoda & Bolu @catch22models
Creative Direction: @rhodaebun